The Vulcan Replica was originally located on 807 S. Olde Oneida Street. On Friday September 30th, 1932 the public was invited to a celebration of hydroelectric power that included music, and an address by Mayor John W. Goodland and F. J. Sensenbrenner.

The Vulcan Replica Plant was opened and dedicated with the presentation of William Kurz, Edward O’keefe, and Al Langstadt. William Kurz was the superintendent of the first Vulcan plant, Edward O’Keefe installed the water wheel in the first plant, and Al Langstadt ran the utility. William Kurz on September 29th, 1932 reminisced about the first spark of light “when the carbon got a little red, we were happy as boys with rubber boots, we shouted: we got the light, we got the light!!” The Wisconsin Michigan Power Company sponsored the events of the day, their roots in the original Appleton Edison Light Company.

Read the full story here!

Vulcan Replica 1932 Celebration Denise Behreandt