Planning Meeting Minutes

Thursday, June 8,  2010










Mark & Karen Moderson, Tom Sutter, James Richter,  Jack Voight, Christine Williams, Linda Muldoon.





In reviewing Questionaires that were submitted as compared to number attending, it was apparent that a lot of people didn’t fill out a form.

Consensus was that representatives of other Historical interest groups who attended were vocal, but not particularly interested in being a part of our group.

It quickly became clear that there is already a lot of things going on about local history in our area, and there is a need for a central clearing house. 

Consensus is that we need to decide on our point of focus and proceed.

We found it important for as many members of our group as possible to make contact with Appleton Public Library management and encourage them to build an Appleton Room in their new facility. 

Decided that we will network with the Outagamie Historical Society. 

Concluded we should take steps to get information about our group on the internet as soon as possible.

As we proceed in our collection and preservation of Appleton history, we agreed that old folks in the community must be consulted and their knowledge collected. Older residents at nursing homes and assisted living complexes are excellent resources. 

We learned the Appleton Public Library has a “FOCAL” database on their Web site that lists non-profit groups in the area. We should use this and link all historical activity in the area with it as soon as possible.





APPLETON HISTORY ASSOCIATION            6/8/10                                 PAGE   2

Planning Meeting Minutes







There was extensive discussion on the group’s current name and formalizing a new one:

A.    Ideas presented: “Appleton History Alliance”, “Appleton History 

        Society”, “Appleton 101”,  “Appleton Now and Then” and “Appleton 

        Historical Society.

B.    Decided to be consistent with majority of organizations in the state and 

        to use the formal name “historical society”.

C.    The new title chosen will be the “Appleton Historical Society”.


As discussed in the critique the committee also had extensive discussion on a mission statement and goals for our group:

Reported on John Oakley comment at the Public Meeting that it seems the three areas that Richter pointed out are our goals, and that our Mission Statement should be: “For the Preservation of the History of  the City of Appleton”.

Sutter pointed out that his original objective was the formation of an Association to Share and Encourage Interest in Appleton History and it’s Preservation.

Decided our Mission Statement will be “To preserve and share the history of the City of Appleton”. Goals under the Mission Statement will be:

1.  Preserve and display the collections of Appleton antiques of private 


2.  Regularly present public programs on Appleton history.

3.  Encourage the development of and assist in the operation of a   

     Museum that would specifically cover Appleton.


Plans for the future:

 Group agreed with Sutter that we have had a good start and we will   proceed with a monthly meeting format. Each month we will have one speaker on an Appleton Historic Topic.

Mark Moderson agreed to Chair a Committee establishing meeting sites and locations, and to arrange a speaker each month.

Linda Muldoon offered to assist with program ideas.

Agreed to develop a Speakers Bureau from our membership, and this will be offered throughout the community.



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Planning Meeting Minutes




We will put on History Fairs, with a first objective of one at the Downtown Farm Market this winter.  Jennifer Stephany, Director, ADI, Appleton Downtown Farm Market, supports us doing this.

Agreed to proceed toward making our group a legal entity, but will postpone for the short term.


Jack Voight on Town of Center Historical Society:

Reports they do not have archives, only a ledger of the Town.

The ledger is a great resource on giving time and place to historical events that occurred in the Town.


Jack Voight on Bob Lieber Collection:

Reports he is a friend of Bob Lieber, Lieber Lumber Co., who has an extensive collection of Appleton pictures and will make them available.

Lieber promises to attend our next public meeting


Publicity, Nancy Barker:

Voight and Williams will contact Nancy Barker and see if we could be on her WHBY history program.

It was suggested we ask Barker to be one of our monthly programs.


Program Ideas - Tentative:

Matt Carpenter, Asst Director, Outagamie Historical Society, July.

Nancy Barker,  the month of August.

Frank Anderson of Wicked Fox Cities, the month of September. 


Publicity, Karen Probst:

Will arrange for us to be in Christmas parade with a banner.


Due to Sutter’s Microsoft Works software not transferring well to other members, Williams agreed to transfer his Works Document on Meeting Notices to he system and convert it to Microsoft Word. She’ll then handle distribution of all these notices in the future.



Tom Sutter, Acting Chairperson

 James Richter, Acting Recording Secretary

 Mark & Karen Moderson, Principal Organizers

Christine Williams, Communications Director


                                                               James L. Richter,        6-18-10 


6-2010 Organizational meeting Dennis Behreandt