Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Atlas Coffee Mill
Mark Moderson, Tom Sutter, Christine Williams, James Richter, Linda Muldoon, Laura Leimer, Brian Schneider, Dave Buss and Gwen Sargeant.
•MARCH 21 – Tom Boldt will give a presentation on the life of Harry Houdini.
•APRIL 18 – Ivan Spangenberg, retired conductor of the Appleton City Band will discuss it’s history.
•Officers and Committee Chairs for the organization are as follows:
A. President - Thomas Sutter
B. Vice President - Christine Williams
C. Secretary – James Richter
D. Treasurer – Laura Leimer
E. Mark and Karen Moderson, Principal Organizers
F. Brian Schneider, Technical Resources
G. David Buss, Research Specialist
A. Extended his deepest thanks to Emily Gilbert for last month’s Program on the History of the Appleton Public Library.
B. Acknowledged the recent article on the Appleton Historical Society published in the Fox Cities Magazine.
C. The membership year ends December 31st, so renewal notices for 2012 are in the mail, and urged all to pay promptly.
D. Encourages all to stop and see the AHS exhibit done by Mark Moderson and Dave Kalz at the Appleton Public Library, 2nd floor.
E. Made the night’s Door Prize Drawing- a Gift Certificate for a Pizza and Cutter from Pizza King which was won by Terry Timmers.
F. Pointed out we have one vacancy on the Board of Directors, and urged anyone that is interested to contact him as soon as possible.
REPORT ON CHRISTMAS AT CONKEY’S - Tuesday, November 22, 2011:
Tom Sutter, Creator of and 2012 Chairman of the second Christmas at Conkey’s event reported on the event. This year’s event was even greater serving some 350 kids and their parents. Everyone enjoyed hot chocolate and cookies, warming up and listening to a Christmas story.
AHS members Mark and Karen Moderson, Jim Richter, Tom Sutter, Jim Krueger, Brian Schneider, and Dave and Barbara Dahlke provided historical displays, as well as served guests. George Hansen displayed his Santa DVD’s for visitors. Christine Williams, Christy Marmor, Dave Buss, and John Marx manned tables to talk to prospective members and history buffs alike – as well as serve treats.
This event would not have been possible without the generous support of Conkey’s business and building owner John Zimmerman. Our deepest appreciation goes to Grubb & Ellis Pfefferle, the Post Crescent, WHBY, Appleton Downtown Inc., and the Appleton Public Library. Special thanks, especially from the kids, to Simple Simon Bakery, Schneider’s Piggly Wiggly, Copps Food Center, and Christina Rappel for supplying cookies for the event.
Jim Richter, Co-Chairman, reported on our Third History Fair held as part of the Appleton Downtown Winter Farm Market at the City Center. The event was again a great success and well received by the community. We had over 247 visitors attending. Attendees enjoyed viewing tables of exhibits and talking about local history. We were lucky enough to have 13 Exhibitors at the December event, and we appreciate all of them for participating.
We especially thank Jennifer Stephany and Dujuanna Hugdahl of Appleton Downtown Inc. for making the event possible. Thanks also go to Pfefferle Companies Inc. and their City Center Staff for providing space, equipment and assistance. We also appreciate the excellent news coverage that was provided prior to the event by the Appleton Post Crescent, the Bargain Bulletin, and WHBY Radio.
Jim Richter, Co-Chairman, reported that planning is already underway for the 4th History Fair. Mark Moderson has commitments from at least 10 exhibitors. We are looking for people that would like to display their pictures, artifacts and antiques.
A. AHS Vice President and Communications Director Christine Williams detailed our upcoming programs from February through April.
B. Mark Moderson, who with Williams has been booking most of our program, reported on some topics he is working on and invites parties interested in doing a presentation to contact him as soon as possible.
PROGRAM SPEAKER – Chloe Siamof – the history of Appleton West High School.
Chloe’s Background:
A. Appleton native.
B. Currently a Senior at Appleton West.
C. Two summers ago decided to pursue preserving Appleton West High School. She created the West Restoration Project, and with students and alumni are progressing. She was featured in the Post Crescent for her activities to promote saving the architecture of the school.
Chloe’s Presentation:
AHistory of Appleton’s High Schools:
(1) During the 1850’s Appleton’s first High School was opened, and called Brooks High School. The school was actually private to begin with and then became a public high school and renamed Hercules School.
(2) The free High School known as Hercules School began in 1876 with the first class graduation held in 1878.
(3) Our second high school was Ryan High School began in 1881 and completed in 1883.. It was a four year school and famous for having Edna Ferber as an alumnus. Unfortunately Ryan High burned down in 1904. That year work was begun on Appleton High School (Morgan High School). The school colors of the new school became Orange and Blue after settling a dispute between the two old schools that preceded it. Ryan H.S. was purple and white, and the 3rd district H.S. was red and green. Blue and Orange were borrowed from Yale’s colors.
(4) The Appleton High School we know as West opened in 1937. It was the first Appleton School built at a cost greater than $1,000,000; but a state grant helped pay $400,000 of the tab.
BFacts on Appleton West:
(1) The Terror mascot was chosen to represent the cross between a fox and a wolf. The new High School was situated between the Fox and Wolf Rivers.
(2) School publications have always been noteworthy with it’s Talisman newspaper and it’s Clarion yearbook. Chloe has worked with both of them.
(3) Memorable alumnus not only included Edna Ferber, the Author, but also War Hero John Bradley.
(4) The new buildings features were significant and included:
a. A total floor space of 770,000 square feet.
b. The school was heated by three 15 ton boilers.
c. Had bike racks outside to accommodate 500 bikes at one time.
d. Much of the school was done in the art deco style. The overall architectural style of the school was known as Modern American.
e. The new auditorium was spacious and beautifully detailed. Beautiful leaded glass windows were a feature, and one that was not well maintained over the years.
f. The Early American Room is the most well preserved room of the entire school.
g. Most of the school has been redesigned over the years.
h. The Library was originally called the Edna Ferber Library and after an addition was moved it was renamed the Ruth Mielke Library.
i. The school still has one original water fountain. It has peacock tiles with orange and blue coloring.
CThe Historic Auditorium Leaded Windows Restoration Project:
(1) Chloe and a few friends became aware of beautiful leaded glass windows that were almost hidden in the upstairs mezzanine of the auditorium. Six windows were found but in poor condition. After a big storm hit the valley two of the windows were damaged and it was decided to pursue restoring them.
(2) Chloe and a committee decided to bring in a professional leaded glass firm, Coventry Glass Works, to do the restoration.
DLinda Muldoon on the Windows Restoration Project:
(1) Linda Muldoon, Coventry Co-Owner, is a member of the AHS Board.
(2) When school representatives brought in three of the six windows to her shop for an analysis, she knew they would like to be a part of this historic project.
(3) The windows are in poor condition, mainly because of badly deteriorated wooden frames.
(4) She decided to research the original maker of the windows, which was the J&R Lamb Studios. JR Lamb is the oldest stained glass company in the country. The AHS windows done by them were hand painted and fired in 1942.
(5) Research shows the windows were built and installed to honor the men and women who served in World War II.
(6) The 6 windows represent the following: Service to the State, The Homemaker, Pioneer Woman, The Scientist, The Educator, and The Nurse.
(7) They also learned there is a mysterious 7th window that is yet to be found. The 7th Window depicts The Minute Man and they are still looking for it.
(8) After extensive research and collaboration with the school and it’s restoration committee, it was decided that the windows will be totally restored and placed on display in the entrance to auditorium. They will be backlit by Auditorium display cases for effect.
EChronology of Events over West’s last 40 years:
(1) In 1972 the LGI and extra classrooms were built.
(2) In 1973 Girl’s Sports were added to the athletic program.
(3) In 1976 Badger Pool was built on the south wing.
(4) In 1978 fire doors were installed changing out the original doors.
(5) Between 1979 and 1980 the auditorium was gutted and redecorated.
(6) IN 1988 the Emanuel Gym was added on the Badger Avenue side.
(7) Currently the new athletic field is under construction which will include a new track and for the first time an on site football field which will be built in the middle of the track.
FPresident Tom Sutter concluded with a tally of how many in the audience were West alumni, about two thirds attending raised their hands. He then concluded with a traditional West High School cheer.
We want to again thank Matthew Payne for his videotaping our entire meeting. DVD’s from his tapings are available through Tom Sutter.
Respectfully, James L. Richter AHS Secretary 1/22/12