Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Atlas Mill, Suite 150








Tom Sutter, Mark Moderson, Gwen Sargeant, Linda Muldoon, Brian Schneider, David Buss, Laura Leimer, Karen Probst, John Marx, Christine Williams, James Krueger, and James Richter




June 19 –Transition “Appleton Gallery of Art” to Trout, Phil Sealy.

June 21 – Light Up the Fox River- Luminary Celebration and River Bike Ride, Co-Chaired by our own Gwen Sargeant.

July 17 - The History of Fox Valley Technical College presented by Alice Dumke, Jerry Rickman and Ron Toshner.

August 18- AHS Cemetery Walk at Riverside Cemetery.

August 21 - The History of the Appleton YMCA presented by Bill Breider and Sue Pawlowski.

Sept 18 - History of Presto Products.

October 16 - History of Pierce Manufacturing.

November 20 – Appleton Picture Show.

December 7 – 7th AHS History Fair, Appleton City Center.



       Officers and Committee Chairs for the organization are as follows:

A. President - Thomas Sutter

B. Vice President - Christine Williams

C. Secretary – James Richter

D. Treasurer – Laura Leimer


Committee Chairs for the organization are as follows:

A. Mark and Karen Moderson, Principal Organizers

B. Brian Schneider, Technical Resources

C. David Buss, Research Specialist

D. Gwen Sargeant, Public Relations and Web Page





A. Thanks to Tom and Janet Sutter for last month’s program on Historic Homes of Appleton. The program highlighted 12 unique residences in the City. (Sutter has obtained for our AHS collection original and current pictures of the Jirschele home that was one of the 12 homes highlighted).

B. Thanks again to Randy Stadtmueller for the use of Suite 150 in the historic Atlas Paper

Mill Complex for tonight’s meeting.

C.Thanks to Board Member John Marx for making a handcrafted wood donation box for

use at meetings and events.

D. Thanks to Board Member Jim Krueger and his mother for donating portable display

tables and chairs.

E. Thanks to AHS Vice President Williams for doing both a special Public Library display

and a soon to be released article on the Lock Tenders of the Fox River Valley.

E..Just a reminder that previous meeting presentations can be found on YouTube.

F.. Door Prize – a Gerber Daisy plant donated by Twigs and Vines Floral, 3100 N.

Richmond Street. The Door prize was won by Larry Bell.

G. A second reminder that Sutter and Schneider still have DVD videos of Appleton’s

historic trolley cars and their history.

H. Finally we encourage those who have not renewed their memberships to do so.


1.There will be a “Lunch at Lawrence” Event on May 10 – School History will be

highlighted. Look for more information on Google.

2.Watch for a Special Event on the Pierce Manufacturing 100th Anniversary, July 13th.



A. Presented a review of upcoming events and programs as listed above.

B. Noted that the Appleton Historical Society was created in April of 2010. We currently

have over 345 souls on our email list, and some 55 formal members.


AHS Public Open House Report – Sunday, April 28, 2013:


Our first Open House was well received by the community with over 80 members and guests attending. This was the first opportunity to view historic pictures and exhibits collected from the community and originally intended for display at the Appleton City Hall. This was the first contact with the Appleton Historical Society for many of those who attended. A number of new members resulted.


Thanks to Mark Moderson and Jim Richter for putting the event together. They along with Tom Sutter, Dave Buss, and Brian Schneider collected and put together the majority of the exhibits. Also thanks to George Hansen for doing framing and layout. Gwen Sargeant helped put it all together and made the event successful.


We also want to thank those members who donated beverages, cookies and bars for the Open House.


AHS Cemetery Walk – Sunday, August 18, 2013:


As previously reported, the AHS Board has approval another Cemetery Walk. The event will be held on Sunday, August 18, 2013, at Riverside Cemetery. Gwen Sargeant will again be serving as Chairman. More information forthcoming.



PROGRAM – Matt Jackering, “The History of Waverly Masonic Lodge #51”.


Matt Jackering, Background:


A. Was initiated into Waverly Lodge on March 14, 2009.

B. Has been an officer of the lodge since August 2009.

C. Will be the Master of Waverly Lodge in 2014.

D. Matt and his wife Janice have one daughter.

E. He is the owner of a mobile DJ company called Fun Factory Entertainment in Appleton.

F. Matt is retiring as a DJ after 23 years to take over the family business.

G. The family’s internet business – – is moving to Appleton and will be located in the historic Edison building in the Appleton industrial flats.




A. We quickly learned what are ”Free Masons”:

1. Started out as an organization in England of brick and stone masons (known as “Operative Masons”).

2. As it grew they morphed into “Speculative Masonry”.

3. It is not a secret society, as many believe, but instead is very much public.

4. Members do adhere to an unwritten vow of silence.

5. It is not a religion.

6. Do not have to be an American citizen to join, but must be a resident of the area.

7. They have initiations and publications that are taken upon the Holy Book of Choice.

8. The organization and it’s leadership expects members to be god fearing and of high integrity.

9. Community service as an organization and individually is encouraged.

B. Masonry is a peculiar system of morality.

C. A primary goal of the organization is to give man moral principles with explanations and symbols as key reminders.

D. The Masonic Lodge is a brotherhood of men helping each other.

E. The Masonic Lodge is the oldest fraternal organization in the world.

F. The head of the organization is identified as “The Master”.

G. No alcohol is allowed in their meetings and the subjects of politics or religion are not allowed to be discussed.




Nature of the Organization:


A. They do keep secrets and they have unspoken levels of recognition among members.

B. Depending on the “Mode” you have reached will determine the different tasks you would perform.

C. The organization has degrees of membership that members must obtain.

D. The masons are known for symbols that are used on their buildings and publications:

1. The symbol of an eye, known as the “all seeing eye”, is widely used. The H.J. Rogers

house has a mason eye in its door.

2. The symbol of a triangle with a circle in its center is meant to show you are being watched and you are expected to act with dignity and integrity.

3. Researchers have found a number of Egyptian symbols that are like those used by the masons. The masons state these were not selected from Egyptian symbols and the similarity is pure coincidence.

E. Sub-Organizations that have evolved from the parent:

1. Have a chapter of the Eastern Star, which is designed for women. Any women member has to have a male Mason connection.

2. They used to have a DeMolay organization for young men up to 21 years of age.

3. Currently they sponsor the Rainbow for Girls with 33 members. No affiliation with a Mason is required.




History of the Waverly Lodge:


A. The Waverly Lodge #51 was formed on April 25, 1854.

B. Sir Walter Scott wrote 14 “Waverly” novels. Their lodge took their name from these, and not Waverly Beach as many locals believe.

C. Their lodge includes “The Waverly Family” which is also known as the “Blue Lodge”.

D. Their lodge has regular monthly meetings on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month.

E. To become a member you must ask a member to join.

F. It’s first members included Mayor Amos Story and industrialist Theodore Conkey.

G. Their meeting places have been as follows:

1. Atkins Hall, College Avenue

2. Harts Hall at College Avenue and Oneida Street

3. Crawford hall at College Avenue and Appleton Street

4. The third floor of the Original Zuehlke Building (used for 42 years)

5. In 1924 they built their own building at Northwest Corner of College and Drew (currently the home of the Outagamie Museum)

6. Their current location is at 315 S. Bluemound Drive

H. In 1949 they reached their peak with about 500 members, currently have 100.

I. 14 Mayors of the City of Appleton have been members, this includes current Mayor Tim Hanna.



Significant Events the Waverly Lodge Has Been in Involved With:


A. They were a major part of the electrification of the City of Appleton. H.J. Rogers built the first electric plant and electrified his business and then his home (the current Hearthstone Museum). In 1882 he electrified the Waverly Lodge.

B. Masons, both nationally and in Appleton, have been key players in the major events of communities throughout the nation. This is due to the relationships members have made and the trust they have built in their communities.




Respectfully, James L. Richter

AHS Secretary, 6/1/13

05-2013 Matt Jackering, Junior Warden, on the History of Waverly Masonic Lodge #51 Dennis Behreandt