Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Thompson Community Center
“Annual Appleton Picture Show”
Tom Sutter, James Richter, Brian Schneider, Gwen Sargeant, James Krueger, and Diana Sandberg.
December 5 – 11th AHS History Fair, City Center
December – No Regular Monthly Meeting- Merry Christmas
2016 Appleton History Speaker Series
January 13 History of Railroads – Kraig Kasten
February 10 Appleton Police Chiefs – Arnie Nettekoven
March 9 Dairy Queen – Steve Liebziet
April 13 The Surley Surveyor – Rob Nurre
May 11 Fox Valley Symphony – Janet and Tom Sutter
June 8 Hidden Churches – Angie Knutson
July 13 Appleton War Memorials – Alex Schultz
August 10 WHBY – Steve Bell
September 14 Rio Theater and Worlitzer organ – Tom McNeely
October 12 Haunted Appleton – Chad Lewis
November 9 The Appleton Picture Show. Bring your own photos for show and tell!
Special Events
March 5 9-12:30 History Fair at the Indoor Farmer’s Market, City Center Plaza
August 21 2pm - Riverside Cemetery Walk, “Pioneer Appleton Residents”
December 3 9-12:30 History Fair at the Indoor Farmer’s Market, City Center Plaza
AHS Officers:
A. President - Thomas Sutter
B. Vice President - Christine Williams
C. Secretary – James Richter
D. Treasurer – Laura Leimer
AHS Board of Directors:
A. Terms through November 2017:
1. Mark Moderson
2. John Marx
3. Laura Leimer
4. Diana Sandberg
B. Terms through November 2016:
1. Linda Muldoon
2. Jim Krueger
3. Gwen Sargeant
4. Brian Schneider
C. Terms through November 2015:
1. Tom Sutter
2. Christine Williams
3. James Richter
Committee Chairs for the organization are as follows:
A. Mark and Karen Moderson, Principal Organizers
B. Brian Schneider, Technical Resources
C. David Buss and Diana Sandberg, Research Specialists
D. Gwen Sargeant, Public Relations and Web Page
E. Christine Williams, Monthly Programs
F. Gwen Sargeant, Publications
A. Greetings extended to members and guests.
B. Introduced Officers and Board Members.
C. Thanks to all of you for making the Appleton Historical Society a success:
(1)Our membership and meeting attendance continue to grow each year.
(2)Please find copies of our Annual Report on the back tables.
D. Sales of our book Images of America-Appleton continue to go well. Books are available at the registration table.
E. Thanks to David Buss and Christine Williams for October’s program “The History of the 100 Blocks of East and West College Avenue”.
F. Thanks to the Post Crescent for it’s announcement of tonight’s meeting and all of it’s support.
G. Sunday, December 13th we will have another Book Fair at Barnes and Noble. We will get a portion of all the day’s store sales.
H. Sutter urged members to renew their memberships as soon as possible.
I. The door prize of a Fazoli’s Gift Certificate was won by Nancy Walkowski.
President Tom Sutter then opened the Annual Business Meeting consistent with the Bylaws.
1. Verified by count that there were 26 members in the audience, who were asked to vote on issues before the Business Meeting.
2. Elections of new board members for a three year term ending on 12/31/18 were held and Thomas Sutter, Christine Williams, and James Richter were elected to the new three year term.
1. Board Member Gwen Sargeant gave a report on next year’s monthly programs and special events.
2. Encourages all attending to buy one of our books Images of America-Appleton.
AHS 11th History Fair Final Preparations Underway:
Jim Richter, Co-Chairman, of the AHS History Fair reported that planning continues for our 11th History Fair, which will be held on December 5, 2015. He and Co-Chair Mark Moderson have arranged a wide variety of historical exhibits. The focus of this event will be on “Historic Appleton Public Transportation”. Exhibits will include exhibits on Trains, Buses, Trolley Cars, Taxicabs and Bicycles”.
He urged the audience all to attend.
PROGRAM : “The Annual Appleton Picture Show”
Presenters: Gwen Sargeant and Brian Schneider
The Program:
Gwen Sargeant provided the narration for the program. Brian Schneider was, as always, our technological and computer expert.
Gwen explained that "The Appleton Picture Show" began a few years ago to allow those attending the AHS November meeting to enjoy pictures from our collections and to bring their own. Gwen and Brian had the screen up and the scanner in place to display pictures going from all the decades. We shared pictures, stories, and more.
They began the pictorial experience with the showing of a video made by AHS Board Member Jim Krueger. With a background of Kenny Rogers singing “20 years ago” a pictorial view of Appleton and it’s businesses from the 60’s and 70’s was shown. Images included:
(1) Viking Movie Theater, 300 Block W. College Avenue
(2) Sears, Roebuck and Co., 300 Block W. College Avenue
(3) Heid Music, 308 E. College Avenue
(4) Conway Hotel, Southeast Corner of N. Oneida and E. Washington Streets
(5) Geenen’s Department Store, 100 Block East College Avenue
(6) Erb Park Pool, bordered by East Glendale Avenue, North Drew and North Morrison Streets
(7) George Walter Brewery, 222 S. Walnut Street
(8) Templin’s Beer and Liquor, 1100 Block N. Mason Street
(9) YMCA Terrors Den, 100 Block E. Lawrence Street
(10) Henry’s Burgers, 1200 Block N. Mason Street
(11) Elk’s Club, 100 S. Appleton Street
(12) Schlafer’s Hardware, 100 Block E. College Avenue
(13) Black’s Sno Cap Drive In, 12 Block N. Mason Street
(14) Appleton Highland Memorial Cemetery (Veterans Plaque on Display)
(15) Stop & Shop Liquor Store, 522 W. College Avenue
(16) The Appleton Foxes Baseball Team playing in Goodland Field, S. W. Corner of Spencer and Outagamie Streets
(17) Old Appleton YMCA, 100 Block E. Lawrence Street
(18) St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Grade School, 300 Block of W. Lawrence Street
(19) Pond’s Sport Shop, 100 Block E. College Avenue
(20) S. S. Kresge Co., 110 W. College Avenue
(21) Frank’s Pizza Palace, 800 Block W. College Avenue
(22) Koepke’s Family Restaurant, S.E. Side of Intersection of West College Avenue and Division Street
(23) Old Appleton Water Tower, 200 Block of N. Walnut Street
Then a pictorial walk through through the City was done with pictures provided by Barney Hameister. Images included:
(1) Old Washington Grade School, Corner of Story and Elsie Streets
(2) Green Bay Train Depot with Chicago Northwestern Signage
(3) Junction Railroad Station (Back of Current Miller Electric Main Plant) Closed mid 1960’s
(4) Appleton Downtown Chicago Northwestern Railway Station, N.E. Corner Appleton and North Streets
(5) Original Dairy Queen Store, 1813 N. Richmond Street
(6) View looking east on Washington Street from old Downtown Water Tower
(7) Future Site of Fleet Farm, April 2005
(8) Welcoming Home of Troops at Chicago Northwestern Railway Station 1917
(9) Liethen Feed Mill, N.W. Corner of College and Badger Avenues
(10) Appleton Papers Mill, 825 E. Wisconsin Avenue (late 1940’s, or early 1950’s)
(11) Old Red Owl Supermarket, and Snyder Drug Store, 700 W. Wisconsin Avenue (torn down May 2009)
(12) The Old Popcorn Wagon on Division Street by former Chinese Restaurant and Viking Theater
(13) Snowball Float during Christmas Parade early 1950’s (Corner of College Avenue and Division Street)
(14) Community First Credit Union marquee at N. Richmond Street location 2004
Then a collection of pictures donated from the estate of Walter K. Miller, affectionately known as “Bro”, were presented by Gwen Sargeant. Images included:
(1) Appleton Street Hill in 1867
(2) Richmond Paper Mill 1863 (Appleton Industrial Flats)
(3) A blast furnace on the island in Fox River (close to the current Vulcan Site)
(4) Telulah Park and the well-known Telulah Spring
(5) Interlake Tower and Paper Mill, E. John Street
(6) A view of Soldiers Square (then known as Market Street) prior to 1900, and the building that would later house the Leath Furniture Store.
(7) Waverly House 1862, on Lawrence Street, the first Boarding House in Wisconsin lighted by electricity
(8) Picture of an old grocery store with a boot repair store next to it
(9) 1st Edison Dynamo power plant at the Atlas Mill, 10/30/82. (Site would be below the current Hearthstone)
(10) Company G Armory (site of the current Castle Museum)
(11) The original Grace Lutheran Church
(12) William Groth Bike Repair Shop (located where the Paper Valley Hotel is today, and facing Lawrence Street)
(13) Appleton’s College Avenue facing West in 1861
(14) Lawrence University Main Hall
(15) Lindy’s Laundry at 707 College Ave on the corner with Durkee Street (shows the business on the cobblestone street in 1908)
(16) A parade on College Avenue passing Pettibone Peabody Department Store in 1889. Shown is the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR)
(17) Another parade on College Avenue in 1898 showing the return of Company G from the Spanish American War
(18) The Appleton Fire Brigade during the 1860’s or 1870’s
Then a group of pictures provide by Karen Schultz, showing the 1953 Downtown Appleton Flag Day Parade:
(1) Three pictures in front of Miller’s Restaurant, 100 Block of East College Avenue on the South side
(2) Two pictures in front of Heckert’s Shoes
Then a collection of pictures provided and narrated by Doug Paschen, a retired executive with Appleton State Bank, then Valley Bank and then M&I Bank. Images included:
(1) Soap Box Derby Race on College Avenue looking West
(2) Walgreen’s Drug Store, 200 W. College Avenue
(3) Ladies running proof machines inside the old Appleton State Bank, 200 Block of West College Avenue
(4) Construction of the new Appleton State Bank in 1963 (Van Ryzin Machine Company shown in the rear)
(5) A view of the South Side of the 200 Block of West College Avenue (shown are the Firestone Store, Home Appliance, and Jimos Hat Cleaners)(became the site of the new Appleton State Bank)
(6) Foot so Port Store and Mignon Barber Shop
(7) The original Appleton State Bank in 1963
Thanks to all of you for making the Appleton Historical Society a great success. We would like
to reflect on special remarks from the funeral Eulogy of deceased AHS Board Member Karen
Probst – “From the past will come the future. What it holds is a mystery.” But nothing in history
or life is inevitable and it takes the good efforts of all of us to work towards a better world for us
all. May the blessings of the holidays and the New Year be with all of you.
Respectfully, James L. Richter
AHS Secretary, 12/15/15