Wednesday, October 12, 2016
St. Bernadette’s Catholic School

“The Appleton Picture Show”



Tom Sutter, Gwen Sargeant, James Richter, Laura Leimer, Mark Moderson, Linda Muldoon, Christine Williams, John Marx, Brian Schneider, James Krueger, and Diana Sandberg.


November 9 Haunted Appleton – Chad Lewis. Also, Annual Business Meeting. Upcoming Special Events

♦︎ December 3 9-12:30 History Fair at the Indoor Farmer’s Market, City Center


AHS Officers:
A. President - Thomas Sutter
B. Vice President - Gwen Sargeant C. Secretary – James Richter
D. Treasurer – Laura Leimer

AHS Board of Directors:
A. Terms through November 2017:

♦︎  Mark Moderson

♦︎  John Marx

♦︎  Laura Leimer

♦︎  DianaSandberg

B. Terms through November 2016:

♦︎  LindaMuldoon

♦︎  JimKrueger

♦︎  Gwen Sargeant

♦︎  Brian Schneider

C. Terms through November 2018:

♦︎ TomSutter

♦︎ ChristineWilliams

♦︎ JamesRichter

Committee Chairs for the organization are as follows:

♦︎  Mark and Karen Moderson, Principal Organizers

♦︎  Brian Schneider, Technical Resources

♦︎  David Buss and Diana Sandberg, Research Specialists

♦︎  Gwen Sargeant, Public Relations and Web Page

♦︎  Christine Williams, Monthly Programs

♦︎  Gwen Sargeant, Publications

Fund Raising Committee:
A. James Richter, Chairman
B. Gwen Sargeant, Vice Chairman
C. Laura Leimer, Treasurer
D. Linda Muldoon
E. Brian Schneider
F. David Buss
G. Jack Voight

Fund Raising Sub-Committee/Promotions:
A. Mark Moderson, Chairman
B. Jim Krueger, Vice Chairman
C. Karen Moderson

Building and Grounds Committee:
A. John Marx, Chairman
B. Gwen Sargeant, Vice Chairman
C. Laura Leimer, Treasurer
D. James Krueger
E. Brian Schneider

Additional Committee Chairs are as follows:

A. Mark and Karen Moderson, Principal Organizers
B. Brian Schneider, Technical Resources
C. David Buss and Diana Sandberg, Research Specialists D. Gwen Sargeant, Public Relations and Web Page
E. Christine Williams, Monthly Programs
F. Gwen Sargeant, Publications


♦︎  Introduced Officers and Board Members.

♦︎  Thanks to the Post Crescent for its announcement of tonight’s meeting and all of its support.

♦︎ We express our deepest appreciation to St. Bernadette’s Catholic Church for the use of their School Building located on Lourdes Drive on Appleton’s south side.

♦︎ Thanks to Tom McNeely for last month’s program on the Historic Rio Theater and the Worlitzer Organ.

♦︎ Gave an update on our purchase of the Gill Law Office Building at 128 N. Durkee Street. Fund raising is in full swing. We have approximately $18,000.00 raised to date.

♦︎ Gave a report on remaining monthly programs and special events for the year, including our History Fair on December 3rd at the City Center. Also, happy to report that all monthly programs and annual special events have been booked for 2017.

♦︎ Reminded the audience that we will be having our Annual Business Meeting at our November 9th Public Meeting.

♦︎  The door prize of a Spat’s Gift Certificate was won by Steve Smits.

♦︎  Sales of our book Images of America-Appleton continue to go well. Books are
available at the registration table for $22.00 a copy.

♦︎  We also still have available Vulcan Electric Site Souvenir Booklets for $10.00.

♦︎  Urged us to attend a Special Program by David Reynolds at the Boldt Center, November 1, 2016, at 4:00 p.m. He will be speaking on the Relationship of the English, Churchill and Stalin during World War II.

♦︎  Also, note that Money Magazine has named Appleton the Top Place to Live.

♦︎  If you have access to recipes from the former Tastee Bakery, please see Tom.

♦︎  You are all invited to attend the Wisconsin Historical Society’s “2016 Local History and Historic Preservation Conference”, October 21st and 22nd at the Glacier Canyon Conference Center in Wisconsin Dells.

AHS 13th History Fair Final Preparations Underway:

Jim Richter, Co-Chairman, of the AHS History Fair reported that planning continues for our 13th History Fair, which will be held on December 3, 2016. He and Co-Chair Mark Moderson are arranging a wide variety of historical exhibits. The focus of this event will be on “Appleton’s Unique Historic Businesses”. We will have 16 to 18 tables with exhibits including displays on the Jimos Hat Store, Pettibone Peabody Department Store, Appleton’s Furriers, and Courtney Woolen Mill. He urged the audience all to attend.

AHS New Committee Structure:

Jim Richter, also our Secretary, gave a report on actions of the AHS Board at its 9/21/16 monthly Meeting. With the acquisition of 216 N. Durkee Street and monies needed, two new committees and one subcommittee were established and members appointed. Committees and Chairman are as follows:

Fund Raising Committee:

James Richter, Chairman

♦︎ Fund Raising Sub-Committee-Promotions:
          o Mark Moderson, Chairman

Building and Grounds Committee:

John Marx, Chairman

PROGRAM: “The Appleton Picture Show”

PRESENTERS: Gwen Sargeant and Brian Schneider

Speaker’s Background:

Gwen Sargeant, AHS Vice President and Board Member, provided the narration for the program. Brian Schneider, AHS Board Member, was as always, our technological and computer expert.

Gwen explained that "The Appleton Picture Show" began a few years ago, to allow those attending the AHS November meeting to enjoy pictures from our collections and to bring their own. Gwen and Brian had the screen up and the scanner in place to display pictures covering all of the decades. We shared pictures, stories, and more.

The Program:

They began the pictorial experience with the showing of a video made by AHS Member Barney Hameister. The video was made from old Super 8 Movies. Pictures included:

♦︎  Oscar Mayer Wiener Mobile visits the Fox Valley.

♦︎  The Fox River Knitting Company, 800 W. Wisconsin Avenue. It was demolished in 1972-1973.

♦︎ W.N.A.M. Contest at the Circus showing local Disc Jockey staying on Ferris Wheel for 18 hours.

♦︎ The old Goodland Field showing a Special Event where Dr. Bop and the Headliners performed.

♦︎  A “Whatever Floats Race” at Jefferson Park in Menasha.

♦︎  The Goodyear Blimp visits Appleton in 1977.

♦︎  The Appleton Flag Day Parade in June of 1978.

♦︎  Ron Kohler at the K.K. Race Track, just east of Appleton.

♦︎ Construction of the new Memorial Drive Bridge in 1981-1982. This was originally known as the Cherry Street Bridge.

♦︎  Construction of the Oneida Skyline Bridge in 1980.

♦︎  Team Train in Appleton – Prosperity Special Train on way to Green Bay Railroad
Museum. The Engine No. 1385 was retired to the museum.

♦︎  From the Festival of Lights in 1982 a Paddle Wheel Boat on the Fox River.

♦︎  Going through the Fox River by boat. The route is west from Appleton to the “Polish
Connection Bridge” in Menasha.

♦︎  Trolley Car by Electric Plant in the Appleton Industrial Flats. Rides were being given.

Gwen and Brian then showed a great picture of Appleton Downtown in the 1960’s provided by Appleton Historian Kim Hanagan.

Then a number of historic pictures provided by AHS Member Sheilah Brucks were shown.

These were all of the Pierce Park 4th of July Civic Celebration:

♦︎  The event operated for 50 years ending in the 1980’s.

♦︎  Showed the many rides in operation. These were originally owned by Dusty Rhodes.

♦︎  The exceptional Merry Go Round with the Wurlitzer Organ riding on it.

♦︎  A number of other views of the Park and the event.
Pictures provided by Rodney Helms were then shown:

♦︎  Class of 1947 at Roosevelt Junior High School. They became known as “The Kaleidoscopic Cardinals”.

♦︎  Rodney’s family in the 1900’s. His dad worked at the Lutz Ice Company in downtown Appleton.

♦︎  The Helms family farm near Seymour.

♦︎  A Zion Lutheran School class with Mrs. Belling as teacher. This particular classroom
is now the Zion Museum.

♦︎  An overhead view of Drew Street looking west on College Avenue just after 1935.

Pictures provided by Kathleen Westbrook were then shown:

♦︎ Flag Day Parade in the 200 Block of West College Avenue during the 1950’s. Showing “The Gliding Boat”. In the background is the Elite Theater.

♦︎  Fox River off the Cherry Street Bridge.

♦︎  The old Greyhound Bus just west of the Appleton Theater. Standing in front of it are Kathleen’s aunt and uncle.

♦︎ A large scenic picture from 1965 with the Wisconsin Telephone building in the background, and the First National Bank Drive-In in the front.
♦︎ The First National Bank staff celebrating the Centennial. Included were officers Al Stoegbauer and Ted Gerardin.

♦︎  The Sidewalk Sale in 1960 with a Teller’s Cage right in front of the First National Bank.

♦︎  Then a number of Southside Appleton Pictures:

♦︎  J.C. Hammer Variety Store on John Street near the current site of the Angels Restaurant:

o Kathleen’s Grandma worked there.
o Can see the Sulfite towers for the paper mill in background.
o Picture of John Dick and two co-workers. He had arrived in the 1870’s and owned the store. He later sold it to the Hammers.

◊ B. 1935 McKinley Junior High Picture. Includes students and faculty.

◊ Helen Koester and Kathleen’s mom in picture.

Pictures provided by Peter Thiel were then shown:

♦︎  Appleton Papermakers Baseball Team playing in 1947 at Goodland Field.

♦︎  First Congregational Church on East South River Street shortly after its construction in

♦︎  Sunday School Class behind the old Congregational Church in early 1960’s.

Then an additional block of historic pictures was presented by AHS Member Sheilah Brucks:

♦︎  Bergstrom Brothers and Co. Auto Dealership, Neenah.

♦︎  A wood stove in a log cabin moved to Appleton in late 1860’s.

♦︎  A small building at corner of Locust and Lawrence Streets that housed Quella Signs.

Finally, from our AHS Picture Collection Brian and Gwen selected these pictures to display:

♦︎ Richmond Lunch, corner of Washington and Richmond Streets, 1935. (This is where Walgreen’s is now, there was a ravine behind it).

♦︎  The Globe Hotel, West College Avenue near the current Copper Leaf Hotel, 1890’s.

♦︎  Breaking Waves on the Fox River, looking from the south toward City Water Plant, 1900’s.

♦︎ Looking south Pacon Mill area to Atlas Mill, 1930’s.

Conclusion. Brian and Gwen thanked all those who brought in items to present. Gwen announced she will be doing a “Street Names Project”. If you have a story on one, please share it with her.

Respectfully, James L. Richter
AHS Secretary, 10/28/16

10-2016 The Appleton Picture Show Dennis Behreandt