Wednesday, November 8, 2017
St. Bernadette’s Catholic School

“The Appleton Picture Show”


TOTAL ATTENDANCE: 50 Breakdown of those attending: 65 or over – 35; Under 65 - 15


Tom Sutter, Gwen Sargeant, James Richter, Laura Leimer, Mark Moderson , John Marx, Brian Schneider, Linda Muldoon, Jim Krueger and Diana Sandberg.

Upcoming Special Events

December 2 9-12:30 Our 15th AHS History Fair at the Appleton Downtown Winter Farm Market, City Center.

2017 Appleton History Speaker Series

January 11 Vulcan replica and early hydroelectricity – Tom Seidl
February 8 Appleton parades – Greg Otis
March 8 St. Joseph’s Church and School, 150 years – Jim Krueger
April12 Native Americans–Peter Peregrine
May 10 Appleton East High School – 50 years – Corey Otis
June14 LawrenceUniversity– ErinDix (CanceledPowerOutage)
July 12 Cloud Buick - Steve Cloud
August9 Attic Theater–BerrayBillington
September 13 Pioneer and Riverside Cemeteries – Gwen Sargeant
October11 LawrenceUniversity-ErinDix
November8 TheAppletonPictureShow--Bringyourownphotosforshowandtell!


•AHS Officers:

A.President - Thomas Sutter
B.Vice President - Gwen Sargeant
C.Secretary – James Richter
D.Treasurer – Laura Leimer

•AHS Board of Directors:

A. Terms through November 2017:

1. Mark Moderson
2. John Marx
3. Laura Leimer
4. Diana Sandberg

B. Terms through November 2018:

1. Tom Sutter
2. Christine Williams
3. James Richter

C. Terms through November 2019:

1.Linda Muldoon
2.Jim Krueger
3.Gwen Sargeant
4.Brian Schneider

Fund Raising Committee:

A. James Richter, Chair
B. Gwen Sargeant, Vice Chair
C. Laura Leimer, Treasurer
D. Linda Muldoon
E. Brian Schneider
F. David Buss
G. Jack Voight

Fund Raising SubCommittee-Promotions:

A. Mark Moderson, Chair
B. Jim Krueger, Vice Chair
C. Karen Moderson
D. Mark Keller
E. Mary Keller

Building and Grounds Committee:

A. John Marx, Chair
B. Gwen Sargeant, Vice Chair
C. Laura Leimer, Treasurer
D. James Krueger
E. Brian Schneider

Archives and Artifacts Preservation Committee:

A. Diana Sandberg, Co-Chair
B. Brian Schneider, Co-Char
C. James Richter, Secretary
D. Tom Sutter
E. Laura Leimer
F. David Buss
G. Christine Williams
H. Gwen Sargeant
I. Dave Kalz

Additional Committee Chairs are as follows:

A. Mark and Karen Moderson, Principal Organizers
B. Brian Schneider, Technical Resources
C. David Buss and Diana Sandberg, Research Specialists
D. Gwen Sargeant, Public Relations and Web Page
E. Christine Williams, Monthly Programs
F. Gwen Sargeant, Publications


President Tom Sutter called the meeting to order, welcomed all in attendance, and thanked them for their being there and for their support for the organization. He also thanked Erin Dix of Lawrence University for last month’s program on “The History of Lawrence University”.

Tom announced we just received a generous donation of $2,500.00 from Modern Woodman Financial, Gretchen Parks, Representative. The historic firm started in 1888 and is based in Rockford, Illinois.

"President Sutter then gave us a summary of our accomplishments since our inception in 2010:

(1) Monthly presentations and other presentations in the community
(2) History Fairs
(3) Cemetery Walks
(4) Web site and Facebook
(5) Newsletters
(6) APL and Zuelke Bldg displays
(7) Our fabulous book
(8) Vulcan plant tours
(9) Our new Museum and Research Center

Although we are doing well, he stressed we still need $150,000.00 to pay off the Museum’s mortgage.

Sutter noted that on October 21 we participated in a Barnes & Noble Book Fair. The event not only promoted our Images of America book, but also gave AHS a portion of total store sales that day. We received $ 85.00.

He then gave a progress report on the Museum. As with any building we have incurred some expenses for maintenance. We are just finishing installation of a new rear metal door, ornamental, safety, iron railing for the front porch, and a new boiler in the basement.

*We are happy to close the fiscal year with a total of 137 memberships. Asked all to renew their annual membership for 2018. if they haven’t yet done so.

We have the entire year of programs booked for 2018. Please pick up a list of those forthcoming programs at the rear of room.

*Thanks were given to the Post Crescent and the Bargain Bulletin for their continuing publicity for the Society.

*Urged us all to attend an upcoming history event at the Stone Cellar Brewery and Tap Room. On January 26, 2018, our good friend and member Brian Zenefski will release the History of the Adler Brau Brewery and a limited run of Adler Brau beer.

NOTE: The door prize was won by Jim LaViolette who received a Fazoli’s Gift Certificate.

Annual Business Meeting:

*President Sutter then called for a review of the audience to determine number of members present. He verified that a Quorum exists.

*Then proceeded with Elections to replace members of Board of Directors whose terms are now complete.

* Those departing members were all reelected to new three year Terms ending November 2020:

1. Mark Moderson
2. John Marx
3. Laura Leimer
4. Diana Sandberg

Reports of Officers and Board Members:

*AHS Wine, Beer and Cheese Event Co-Chairs Mark Moderson and Jim Krueger gave a report on the October 19th Beer/Wine/Cheese event:

A Toast to Appleton History

The Appleton Historical Society hosted a fundraising event at the Grand Meridian to raise money to help fund our Appleton History Museum located at 128 N. Durkee Street.

The event featured Wine, Cheese and Beer tasting, along with delicious selections of Hors d’ oeuvres and tasty deserts for all that attended. A bucket raffle, door prizes, silent auction, and 50/50 raffle were run throughout the evening.

We received an excellent response from those attending. This be our first attempt at such an undertaking, there were a few glitches. Overall things went very well. The Grand Meridian staff were very helpful, supportive, and pleased with the attendance we had.

As there still are some outstanding bills, they could not give a final report of revenues. At this point the expected net income is in excess of $10,000.00.

Based on the feedback received, the committee is recommending we hold a similar event next year. They have tentatively booked Thursday, October 18, 2018, with the Grand Meridian.

*Jim Richter, Co-Chairman, of the AHS History Fair gave an update on the planning for our 15th History Fair, which will be held on December 2, 2017. He and Co-Chair Mark Moderson have arranged a wide variety of historical exhibits.


The focus of this event will be “Christmas in Appleton-the First 100 Years”

Let us show you two rooms of exciting exhibits on Appleton’s Christmas Past. We will be featuring Figures from the Old H.C. Prange Christmas Display Windows, History of the Appleton Christmas Parade, an Americanos Drum and Bugle Corps Display, the Darting Needles Quilt Guild demonstrating historic quilting and tatting in costume. Decorated trees with Classic Christmas ornaments and decorations, and special gifts received will be shown. Exhibits will include antiques, photos, maps, postcards, and promotional items from old businesses.

*Tom Sutter then reported on a mini-event that a group of our Board Members have developed in conjunction with the Annual Christmas Parade on November 21, 2017, from 5:00-9:00 p.m..

Christmas Parade at the AHS Museum Mini-Event

This is an Open House to catch a few of the parade attendees. Urged all to visit that evening.

PROGRAM: “The Annual Appleton Picture Show”

PRESENTERS: Gwen Sargeant and Brian Schneider

Speaker Background:

Gwen Sargeant enjoys researching Appleton history. Gwen is the C.O.O. of Appleton Bicycle Shop, and has been working in the family bicycle business for 25 years. Gwen's Grandpa started Appleton Bicycle Shop in 1939. Gwen and her husband Joe have 3 children: Joey, a freshmen at West High School; Helen, 8th grade and Auggie, 6th grade who both attend Kaleidescope Academy at the Roosevelt Campus. She is also Vice President and a Board Member of the Appleton Historical Society, as well as serving on several committees.

Brian Schneider is associated with Bergstrom Automotive, Auto Body Department. He is a tireless worker for the Appleton Historical Society. He has served as a Board Member and our Tech Guy/Computer Expert since our inception.

The Program

Gwen Sargeant acted as Narrator and welcomed us all to another Appleton Picture Show. She stressed that the Appleton Historical Society was formed with a Mission “To preserve and share the History of the City of Appleton.” In this annual event we want the audience to share with all of us.


(1) Several overhead views of Appleton over the years.
(2) They then ran a slide show from the growing computer archives of the Appleton Historical Society.
(3)Pictures from those in the audience were then scanned, displayed, and discussed:

From the Collection of Barney Hameister:

(A) Several pictures of the construction of the St. Joseph’s Catholic Church School and of the new Exhibition Center that replaces it.

(B)  The Festival of Lights Celebration.

(C)  River overviews.

(D)  The trolley car for the Festival of Lights being restored.

(E)The S.S. Kresge Co. lunch counter in 1983. (F)The annual Octoberfest Celebration in 1984.

(G)  The Ryan High School in 1891.

(H)  The historic home at 860 Prospect Avenue.

(I) The train in the Appleton Public Library Children’s Department in years past.

(J) The old Sears, Roebuck Department Store on West College Avenue.

(K) Several pictures of the Steam Engine Tour to Appleton in 1984.

(L)An original Tyme Machine.

(M) Downtown Appleton by the Water Tower (Corner Walnut and Washington St).

(N) WXGT-TV, Appleton, by Copps on Ballard Road.

From the Collection of Tim Grogan:

(A)His mother Bernice Gosz is the show in 1953.
(B)Bernice Gosz with her bowling team.
(C)Bernice Gosz working at Bellin’s Grocery at 200 E. Wisconsin Avenue in 1949.
(D)The Grogan family moves to Stockbridge and starts a concrete business.

From the Collection of Dave Kalz:

(A)Northeast corner of College Avenue and Oneida Street Dr. Lands Business College:

    (1) This is the third oldest building in Appleton.

    (2) Later became Burger King in the City Center.
(B)Southwest corner of College Avenue and Superior Street (brought by Tom Van Ryzin):
    (1) Adam Dengel & Company General Merchandise shown in building. (2) Tom represented the Dengel Company tonight, mother was a Dengel.

Collection of Unnamed Donor:

(A)Steam Tractor Show, Wabeno, WI 2006, (moving pictures):

    (1) Multiple pictures of steam engines.
    (2) Steam sawmill in operation.
    (3) Several antique tractors.
    (4) Tractors included old Eagle tractors made in Appleton.
    (5) A Phoenix steam log hauler.

(B)39th Annual Symco Thresheree:
    (1) Multiple antique tractors.
    (2) An Eagle steam tractor.

From the Collection of Jim Beavers:

(A) The Scolding Locks Company, Rogers Avenue, manufacturers of ladies hair pins and clips.
(B)The Ultimate Cornet Band from 1897.
(C)Riverside Cemetery where a monument to the dog “Bing” was established by the Klotsch family.
(D) 200 Block of College Avenue West showing businesses on the south side including Andy Jimos business and the Firestone Store.
(E)The old Third Ward school on W. 5th Street in 1913.
(F) The old Observatory on the Lawrence University Campus.
(G) The H.J. Jenkins Furniture Company on the south side of the 500 block of West College Avenue.
(H) College Avenue with the Continental (Hotel), Capital Campaign sign for the new YMCA in front.
(I) College Avenue with United Commercial Travelers in background and a wreath hanging in the middle of the street.
(J) The Continental on fire in 1928.
(K) Third Ward School where Peabody Manor is at now.
(L)Post Card of the old Third Ward School kindergarten.
(M) The Lincoln School that became City Hall (southeast corner of Appleton and Franklin Streets).
(N)  Inside Fire Station.
(O)  Massive fire on College Avenue just East of S.S. Kresge Company.
(P) 1932 Fire Department showing off their equipment in front of station at corner of Oneida and Washington Streets.

President Sutter Closing the program and the year for the good of the cause.

James L. Richter , AHS Secretary, 11/27/17

11-2017 Appleton Picture Show, Bring Photos for Show and Tell Dennis Behreandt