Wednesday,  August 13, 2014   

Thompson Community Center 



“ Harry H. Long Moving and Storage since 1917 ”   








Thomas Sutter, Christine Williams, Laura Leimer, James Richter, Mark Moderson, Gwen Sargeant, David Buss, John Marx, Linda Muldoon, Brian Schneider.





September 10 - Appleton Yacht Club-Larry Konz

October 8 - Appleton’s Historic Ravines-Sandy Benton and Fox River Academy students

November 12 - The Appleton Picture Show.  Bring your own photos for show and tell.

December 6th   9th AHS History Fair, City Center, Downtown Appleton




·         Officers for the organization are as follows:

A.   President  - Thomas Sutter

B.   Vice President  - Christine Williams

C.   Secretary – James Richter

D.   Treasurer – Laura Leimer



·         Committee Chairs for the organization are as follows:

 A.  Mark and Karen Moderson, Principal Organizers

B.  Brian Schneider, Technical Resources

C.  David Buss, Research Specialist

D.  Gwen Sargeant, Public Relations and Web Page





  A. Thanks to Paul Heid for presenting last month’s program on the History of Heid Music.

  B. Introduced all of the AHS Officers and Board Members.   

  C. Reports that the Appleton Historical Society membership now totals 96.

  D. Special thanks is also extended to Gannett Publications for regular coverage in their

      Bulletin paper.

  E.  Wanted to recognize that on September 3rd through the 4th we celebrated the

       anniversary of the first airplane exhibition flight held in Appleton. This took place in

      1911 and pilot Fred Selig Wettengel was the star pilot. Over 3,000 people attended the


F. Be sure to attend our AHS Cemetary Walk to be held at Riverside Cemetary on

     Sunday the 17th. Theme is Meet the Mayors – Part 3.

G. Just a reminder that previous meeting presentations can be found on YouTube, and                

    Meeting Minutes with Program Summary are on our Web Page.

  H.  Door Prize –  was presented to Dave Dahlke, who won a Fazoli’s Restaurant Gift




SPECIAL SPEAKER -   “A Salute to Mike Broeren”,             Presented by John Broeren:

John Broeren Background

John  was the brother of our own Mike Broeren, who passed away on April 22nd. They came from a family of eight sons. The boys were raised in Sherwood, Wisconsin. John asked to speak on Mike’s love for history and the family’s plan for Mike’s extensive collection of historical artifacts. He recognized most of the Broeren family in the audience who joined him this evening.

The Presentation:

(1)  John explained that Mike’s love of history began with the collection of artifacts when he was just 10 years old.

(2)  Unique items Mike collected include a “Schnitzelbank” he picked up at an auction in his teens. (A Schnitzelbank is a draw bench where implement handles are made with a draw knife).

(3)  Although Mike collected a lot of Sherwood area items initially, he became interested in Appleton history after he purchased several Appleton artifacts.

(4)  The family sorted through Mike’s things before having a Public Auction. They withheld historical items from the sale. The family is pleased to announce they are donating Mike’s entire Appleton collection to the Appleton Historical Society.



Christine Williams, Vice President:

1.    Asked the audience to note that exhibits on display at the rear of the room are from the Mike Broeren and Long Transfer.

2.    Gave a summary of upcoming programs and events.

3.    Announced the publishing of our Appleton History book, which will soon be released. We all owe a great deal of appreciation to the book’s editor, Gwen Sargeant.


Gwen Sargeant, Board and Public Relations Committee Member:

1.   Urged us all to attend our Cemetary Walk, at 2 p.m. this Sunday the 17th.

Titled “Meet the Mayors III” speakers in costume will depict deceased Mayors who are buried at the Riverside Cemetary. Directions: enter main gate and drive to the Orange Flag which will be the first location on the tour.

2.    Our next major event will be our History Fair at the City Center, Downtown Appleton, on December 6th.


    PROGRAM -   “ Harry H. Long Moving and Storage since 1917”,             Presented by John Long.

John Long Background:

John R Long was born in Appleton, WI in 1960 to John & Joyce Long.  He attended St. Mary Catholic School for 1st through 8th grade, Wilson Jr. High and Appleton West High School where he graduated in 1978.  He always stayed busy working as a youth.   He had a paper route when he was 14.  Once he was able to drive, he worked for his Grandma at Harry H Long Moving Storage & Express Inc.  He worked on the dock and also made small deliveries.  Soon he was in a semi and making longer trips.  H was a member of Junior Achievement and remembers having the best time.  He went on to be the team’s leader in sales, taking 3rd place at the state championship salesmen competition. 
After high school, he tried some college courses, but wasn’t disciplined enough to balance school and work.  At 20, he started working for his brother in Milwaukee. His brother was an agent for the family business.   He started at the bottom and worked his way up to driver, mechanic, office assistant, dispatcher, and operations manager. 


The Presentation:


 (1)  The family was well established in the trucking business when John began to work for his Grandmother at Harry Long Transfer. He was fortunate enough to work his way up in the company from driver to Company President.

(2)  John said that in telling about their family business history it’s all about the trucks. He

wants to draw special attention to the two company trucks they brought along for display in the parking lot. One is an antique tractor/trailer rig, the other is one of their newest semi tractors. Encouraged us to look them over at the end of the meeting.

(3)  Their family started in the trucking business in about 1917, when the business was

named R. Long Transfer.

(4)  John then gave a video display of historical objects and pictures from the company:

AFirst picture was one of their earliest trucks.

BThen viewed three trucks from the 1920’s.

CDuring this early period they were lucky enough to own a rare Oneida brand truck.

DOne of their first transport contracts was to haul milk to dairies for local farmers.

EIn the 1930’s they advanced into the moving and storage business.

FBecame one of the very first nationally franchised van lines by operating an Allied Van Lines franchise in the 30’s and 40’s.

GIn the 1950’s became an agent for North American Van Lines.

HShowed how they used to tie excess loads on the back of a semitrailer. This would never be permitted now due to safety concerns.

IIn their early days they used to haul/tow equipment for customers. They made many machinery deliveries.

JOf historical note was when the last streetcar went out of service in the 1930’s, they towed it to it’s final resting place in the Industrial Flats.

KAnother noteworthy load was the transport of the first iron lung for the Marshfield Clinic. They charged no fee for that run in the spirit of community service.

LFor a short time they did go into warehousing.

MIn the 1950’s they bought a number of cab over tractors.

NFor many years they worked closely with Hennes Erecting who unloaded trains for them.

OHarry Long died in 1947. Even though he had eight kids, his wife Alice continued to operate the business.

PIn the mid-70’s they got out of Moving and Storage and went into truckload freight and LCL. This included renting their trucks to other customers.

QJohn Long Sr. took over the business at Alice’s death in 1990.

RThey began to make a lot of transport runs throughout the Midwest.

SJohn Sr. died in 1999.

TIn 2001 they moved their terminal and parking to 22 acres in the Town of Clayton to have plenty of room to park all of their equipment.

UThey progressed into the intermodal business exclusively. Largely this was overseas container freight.

VThey engineered and got D.O.T. approval on several special built trailers for hauling containers of all different sizes.

WIn 1985 they helped the State of Wisconsin to write and enact special laws allowing container freight trailers to facilitate international freight shipments.

XIn 2011 they convinced the State Legislature to allow double bottom intermodal trailers.




Historic Facts about Long Moving and Storage:


(1)  The firm has moved it’s base of operations around the area since it began. Their first formal office was in Harry and Alice’s home. They then moved to rented land on South Douglas Street for several years. With greater space needs, this precipitated their move to the Town of Clayton in 2001.

(2)  Trucking Regulations require firms to receive “Authority” to operate. Long was one of the first to be allowed to operate in all 48 states.

(3)  In 2012 the firm celebrated it’s 95th birthday.



                                                                         Respectfully, James L. Richter               

                                                                         AHS Secretary, 8/31/14

8-2014 Harry H. Long Moving and Storage since 1917 by John Long Dennis Behreandt