Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Thompson Community Center
“ History of the Appleton Yacht Club ”
Thomas Sutter, James Richter, Gwen Sargeant, David Buss, John Marx, Linda Muldoon, Brian Schneider.
October 8 - Appleton’s Historic Ravines-Sandy Benton and Fox River Academy students
November 12 - The Appleton Picture Show. Bring your own photos for show and tell.
December 6th 9th AHS History Fair, City Center, Downtown Appleton
· Officers for the organization are as follows:
A. President - Thomas Sutter
B. Vice President - Christine Williams
C. Secretary – James Richter
D. Treasurer – Laura Leimer
· Committee Chairs for the organization are as follows:
A. Mark and Karen Moderson, Principal Organizers
B. Brian Schneider, Technical Resources
C. David Buss, Research Specialist
D. Gwen Sargeant, Public Relations and Web Page
A. Thanks to John Long for presenting last month’s program on the History of Long
B. As a followup to last month’s discussion on sound system problems with the Senior
Center Main Hall, we have learned that the Thompson Center is already equipped with a T-Coil Sound System. Those who need hearing assistance should contact Tom.
C. Reports that the Appleton Historical Society membership now totals 97.
D. Special thanks is also extended to Gannett Publications for regular coverage in their
Bulletin paper.
E. Reminds us all that our November AHS Public Meeting will include our Annual
Business Meeting. This will include election of members of the Board of Directors.
F. Monthly Appleton History Tidbit: Appleton received it’s first telephone exchange in
1877, only one year after the invention of the telephone.
G. One of our Research Specialists, Dave Kalz, has brought in two pictures of very old
building entrance doors for all of us to review and help identify. These are on display
on a table in the rear of the hall. They are believed to be from an alley in Downtown
H. Special History Event coming up in the area, the Neenah Historical Society will be
hosting a Living History in Downtown Neenah Event on Saturday, October 4, 2014,
from 11:00 to 3:30.
I. We have received for our AHS Archives the donation of an Intercity Streetcar Token.
J. Just a reminder that previous meeting presentations can be found on YouTube, and
Meeting Minutes with Program Summary are on our Web Page.
K. Door Prize – was presented to Amy Plamann, who won a Fazoli’s Restaurant Gift
David Buss, AHS Board Member and Cemetary Walk Contributor, reports that our Cemetary Walk held on Saturday, August 17th, was again well received by the community:
1. The event was titled Meet the Mayors-Part 3.
2. Some 30 people attended and received a tour of the graves of 5 Appleton Mayors.
3. Each location had an actor in period correct costume portraying the deceased. Thanks to the five true-to-life actors:
a. Tom Sutter.
b. Nate Kalies.
c. Reverend Leon Ehlert.
d. Ken Syring.
e. Jacob Steinmetz.
Gwen Sargeant, Chairman, will give a formal report at next month’s meeting.
James Richter, Co-Chairman, reports on preliminary planning underway for our 9th AHS History Fair to be held at the City Center in Downtown Appleton on Saturday, December 6th:
1. The event is held as part of and under the auspices of the Appleton Downtown Winter Farm Market.
2. Focus will be on Appleton’s Christmas Past.
3. Exhibits will include Appleton’s Toy and Children’s Furniture Manufacturers, Tuttle Press Christmas Products, and Victorian Christmas Items.
Please contact Co-Chairs Jim Richter (920)739-2539 or Mark Moderson (920)540-3699 if you would like to exhibit or supply items for exhibit on the above mentioned items, as well as other Appleton historical pieces.
Gwen Sargeant, Board and Public Relations Committee Member:
1. Reported Cemetary Walk was a success.
2. Summarized upcoming programs and events.
PROGRAM - “ History of the Appleton Yacht Club”, Presented by Larry Konz.
Larry Konz Background:
Larry was born in Appleton in 1926 (87 years ago). He attended St. Mary's Grade School and graduated from Appleton High School, class of 1944. He enlisted in the Marine Corp and served a four year hitch. He was honorably discharged in 1947 after two years on the Hawaiian Islands. Larry returned to Appleton to work in the family lumber business, Konz Lumber. He married his high school sweetheart, Anne Paltzer, in 1949.
Larry's father died when he was 37. Larry became the CEO of the firm and was instrumental in expanding the firm and his family. When he took over he and Annie had nine children, five boys and 4 girls, and 7 employees including the office staff of one-- his mother. The business and payroll expanded rapidly once the children became of age to work. Today their 3 oldest sons are the officers and the driving force of the corporation--Konz Wood Products Company. They are responsible for over 100 employees at their two locations, Appleton and Suring. Larry is now retired.
The Presentation:
(1) Larry and his family followed his parents in being active members of the Appleton Yacht Club. The Club is some 70 plus years old.
(2) To begin his presentation he felt it important to talk about the Fox River. “It’s what makes this town go. It’s power, the kind of power that makes electricity and recreation.”
(3) There was a Boat Club that started in Appleton before the AYC. It was a completely separate group, and had a building on the East side of town just past the 4th lock. It at one time had 100 members, but has been out of business since the 1940’s.
(4) Larry then projected a number of pictures about the AYC and Appleton history:
AA paddleboat steamer going through the locks by Lawrence University1909 or 1919.
BEarly tugboat, the Cook, by Sunset Point. It ran 24 hours a day.
CA later version of a diesel tugboat, about 1950.
DA Cook & Brown tugboat in 1938.
EValley Queen tugboat (1930’s ?).
FA 1909 picture of the Appleton Boat Club, which had individual boat houses.
GOriginal site of the Appleton Yacht Club, before construction.
HA group of old buildings which included the Johnson Outboard Dealer, and it’s next door neighbor Appleton Police Officer Harold Blessman.
IThe original location for AYC was where the City had dumped old concrete on the Fox River shore, which was later used in a seawall for the club.
JThe original clubhouse started life as a boat house which was moved 20 feet into shore.
KAn early speedboat with an inboard motor, named the Eczema, at the AYC shoreline (1936-1938).
LBoats pulled on shore for maintenance.
MAs the AYC evolved slips were built where boats could be lifted out of the water.
NPicture taken from Memorial Drive bridge.
O1940’s view of west slips, now replaced by open slips. Also shown is largest boat the club ever had, a 45 foot Chris Craft owned by J.R. Whitman, the J.C. Penney Store Manager.
PAndy Forster, AYC Charter Member.
QLarry’s 1932 Dodge Runabout which he bought in 1942. It had a Langlois 8 Cylinder Engine and 22 foot mahogany hull.
RAn AYC party in the early 40’s. Picture included Elmer Knoke, George Greisch (City Attorney), Larry’s father, and Eddie Hoersch.
SA 1942 Post Crescent article showing 10 Appleton boats taking part in Coast Guard maneuvers.
TPicture of Coast Guard swearing in of AYC members.
U2 Pictures of cabin cruisers across from the AYC on open water.
VA cabin cruiser with the Cherry Street (now Memorial Drive) bridge in the background.
WAYC acquired a gas pump at the end of World War II and sold gas for 17 cents a gallon.
XThe club from the water showing the heavy duty, all steel lift with 18 tons capacity they had installed.
YThey operated two questionable slot machines in the clubhouse for years. Proceeds were large enough to build all the AYC buildings.
ZA finger pier that had been added to East main slips.
A A Sea Scout boat that had been donated by the Coast Guard to Appleton.
BA small island just southeast of the main slips that no longer exists.
C36 foot Cabin Cruiser owned by Lester Cook, Optometrist.
DSea Scout Board with scouts in uniform.
EEd Luebben, the first AYC Steward and club bartender.
F Ed Luebben Jr. later took over, as well as owned a Jewelry Store on
Wisconsin Avenue. During the war he served as a navigator on a B-17.
GGeorge Kaplan, bridge tender, coming up to the club.
HInterior of the club with Red Peterson and Mr. Fountain playing slot machine.
I New slips being built.
J The AYC donating $1000.00 to the Salvation Army in 2010. Most fund raising
every done by the First Mates (AYC Ladies Club).
KPost Crescent article on the club’s 50 year anniversary which coincided with
construction of the new Clubhouse.
L Newer club building under construction.
MAerial view of club as it looks today.
NJust east of the club used to be a small building (shack) where their swamper
OA traditional AYC Friday Fish Fry. Still done today but no longer open to
general public.
Closing Facts about the Appleton Yacht Club:
(1) They continue to operate with a strong membership. You don’t have to be a boat owner to be a member of the club.
(2) Most of the Fox River Locks are now open, and the remainder should be opening soon. They are excited about the prospects of again traveling from Green Bay to Lake Winnebago.
Respectfully, James L. Richter
AHS Secretary, 9/30/14