Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Thompson Community Center
“The History of SECURA Insurance”
Tom Sutter, Christine Williams, James Richter, Laura Leimer, Mark Moderson, John Marx, Brian Schneider, Gwen Sargeant, Jim Krueger, Diana Sandberg.
May 3 – Jewish History in Appleton - Jerry Zabronsky
June 10 – The Old Third Ward – Antoinette Powell
July 8 – The Post Crescent – Dan Flannery
August 12 – Growing Up in Appleton in the 60s – Jim Krueger
August 23 – Cemetery Walk – “Meet the Mayors” – Riverside Cemetary
September 9 – The History of Catholic Schools by Deacon Tony Abts
October 14th 100 block of E. College Avenue - Dave Buss and Christine Williams
November 11 – Appleton Picture Show
December 5 – 11th AHS History Fair, City Center
AHS Officers:
A. President - Thomas Sutter
B. Vice President - Christine Williams
C. Secretary – James Richter
D. Treasurer – Laura Leimer
AHS Board of Directors:
A. Terms through November 2017:
1. Mark Moderson
2. John Marx
3. Laura Leimer
4. Diana Sandberg
B. Terms through November 2016:
1. Linda Muldoon
2. Jim Krueger
3. Gwen Sargeant
4. Brian Schneider
C. Terms through November 2015:
1. Tom Sutter
2. Christine Williams
3. James Richter
Committee Chairs for the organization are as follows:
A. Mark and Karen Moderson, Principal Organizers
B. Brian Schneider, Technical Resources
C. David Buss, Research Specialist
D. Gwen Sargeant, Public Relations and Web Page
E. Christine Williams, Monthly Programs
F. Gwen Sargeant, Publications
A. Greetings extended to members and guests.
B. Introduced Officers and Board Members.
C. AHS Board Member Linda Muldoon recovery from thoracic aneurysm surgery continues to go well.
D. Gave a report on the historic Sailor’s Creek Battle of the Civil War:
* The battle occurred on this date in 1865, and helped turned the war around for the Union.
* Freedom, Wisconsin, native Alan Auger fought in that battle. Alan died in the battle, just three days before the end of the Civil War.
E. As a followup to an historic area we covered in previous programs, note that the historic Jackman Street Bridge has just been removed and will be replaced by the City this year.
F. Gave thanks to Frank Groh for last month’s program “The Historic St. Joseph’s Cemetery”.
G. A reminder to take in the upcoming Wisconsin Historical Society Exhibit in it’s last weeks of showing in Appleton at the Outagamie History Museum.
H. Upcoming Historical Event: Fox River Historic Lock Tours will be given by the Fox Wisconsin Heritage Parkway to a pre-sold group tour from the Milwaukee area on June 24, 2015. This will also include several boat excursions.
I. The door prize of an Arby’s Gift Certificate was won by Jen Halverson.
Christine Williams, AHS Vice President and Program Committee Chair:
A. Gave a summary of upcoming programs and events (See Above).
B. Advised if anyone would like to receive upcoming program announcements once a month, they can be added to a special email list for that purpose.
Gwen Sargeant, AHS Board Member and Book Editor, gave a progress report on the publishing of our book Images of America-Appleton:
ABook sales are going well and since we now have a City Charitable Solicitor Permit we can sell somewhat freely.
BThe book will be available at monthly AHS meetings from now on.
CBarnes and Noble on Casaloma Drive will be doing a Book Event on the book, Saturday, May 2, 2015.
Nancy Barker, area Historical Expert and an AHS Member, alerted us to two upcoming historic events:
A. 4/9/15 Ken Syring to give a program on the Menasha Airport at the Elisha Smith Public Library in Menasha.
B. 5/16/15 Wisconsin Archaeologists and the Wisconsin Historical Society will be doing an exhibit at Smith Park in Menasha.
PROGRAM : “The 115 Year History of SECURA Insurance”
Presenter: Steve Smits
Speaker’s Background:
Steve has been a Fox Cities resident all his life and was born and raised in Appleton. He attended St. Bernadette, Appleton East High School , and received a Bachelor of Business Administration from UW – Oshkosh in 1995.
Steve has been employed with SECURA Insurance for 17 years working in the claims department as a senior claim representative and is currently in the research and development department as a senior product analyst. He served as president of the Fox Valley Adjusters Association. Steve earned the Chartered Property & Casualty Underwriter in 2007 and has also earned ten other professional insurance designations. This year is SECURA’s 115th year in business and Steve assisted the marketing department with research that was used for a social media campaign celebrating the anniversary.
In his free time, Steve enjoys genealogy research, the Green Bay Packers, and music. He is involved with Mile of Music as a member of the Artist Recommendation Team which assists in the selection of artists that play the festival each year.
The Presentation:
The Secura Insurance Company began originally as The Farmer’s Home Mutual Hail, Tornado and Cyclone Insurance Company of Seymour, Wisconsin. It was chartered on March 1, 1900, with 135 members, and started by local farmer Julius Bubolz.
Early History of the Bubolz Family and the Company:
AJulius Bubolz was born on 8/22/1862 in Grosz Benz, Germany.
BThe Bubolz family immigrated to America in 1869.
CJulius settled with his parents on a farm in Winnebago County along the Wolf River.
DHe had a desire for knowledge. He attended public and parochial schools completing all the courses offered at the time. In fact, he took the eighth grade course twice as nothing was available beyond it.
EHe clerked in his uncle’s store and then worked on the railroad briefly.
FIn 1882 Julius bought an 80 acre farm in the Town of Cicero for $1,500. This farm continues in operation today.
GConservationism was an ongoing theme for the Bubolz Family from their very arrival in Wisconsin. Julius and his family had a deep respect for the land.
HJulius from his early 20’s was also politically active:
1. Starting in 1884 he served as Town of Cicero Clerk. Position held for 19 years.
2. In 1884 also became the Justice of the Peace. Position held for 27 years.
3. In 1884 also became the School Clerk. Position held for 28 years.
IIn 1884 Julius married Emelia Jeske and with her had 15 children.
JShortly after his marriage, Julius solicited the support of 21 neighbors to found Emanuel Lutheran Church of Cicero.
KDuring the years of 1883 and 1888 farms in the Town of Cicero were struck by tornadoes, which caused loss and hardship on many families.
LAfter much discussion with neighbors and not wanting to incur further losses, Julius helped to form a mutual windstorm insurance company.
MIn 1896 Julius formed the Cicero Mutual Insurance Company.
NAfter canvassing the area for 60 days, Julius formed The Farmer’s Home Mutual Hail, Tornado and Cyclone Insurance Company of Seymour, Wisconsin:
1. Originally chartered with135 members on March 1, 1900.
2. The Company office was in a single room of the Bubolz farm house.
3. Charles Ploeger, largest dairy farmer in the County, was President from the beginning until 1916.
4. As stipulated in the bylaws, the real power and responsibility resided in the Secretary Julius Bubolz.
5. Premium income in 1900 was $235.24, and then in 1902 was $544.42.
6. In 1902 seven policyholders submitted claims totaling $163.00.
7. Company frugality was demonstrated by:
a. The fact of choosing not to pay $20.00 to the state to come to the farm to do required audits, but instead Julius saved the fee by going to Madison with records himself.
b. For the first 26 years Julius collected no rent for the use of his home, and for the first 5 years collected no salary.
8. For the first 25 years of operation premiums charged were only $.25 per each $100.00 of property value.
9. As many mutuals were failing due to a lack of equity, in 1926 the state required the mutual to charge a minimum premium of $.50 per each of $100.00 of property value.
10. The company held required Annual Business Meetings at the Falck Hotel (later known as the Seymour Hotel).
11. As business grew the Bubolz children helped with the business.
12. Finally in1914 they hired two office girls.
13. In 1926 the company name was shortened to Home Mutual Hail –Tornado Insurance Co, and then in 1932 it was further streamlined to Home Mutual Insurance Company.
14. In 1926 Julius’ 21 year old son Gordon was hired as Assistant Secretary. Gordon was a recent law school graduate.
15. With steady growth the company moved it’s offices to the Irving Zuehlke Building in Appleton.
16. 1930 had proved to be a bad storm claim year and many insurers had serious problems. Four smaller firms chose to join Home Mutual.
17. In 1935 they added auto insurance with a division called Home Mutual Casualty Company.
18. At that time Gordon was named CEO of the new company.
19. In 1936 he became President and General Manager of the parent company.
20. In 1940 the firm celebrated it’s 40th anniversary.
21. In 1941 the firm started writing non-farm fire and extended insurance.
22. In 1946 they expanded into Michigan and Minnesota.
23. In 1950 the Homestead Mutual Insurance Company was formed, as a subsidiary of Home Mutual Insurance Company.
24. In 1956 Home Mutual and Home Mutual Casualty merged under the original 1900 Charter.
25. Also in 1956 company founder Julius Bubolz died at age 93.
26. In 1958 the company moved their offices to the AAL building at the corner of College Avenue and Superior Street.
Recent Company History and Major Changes:
A. In 1963 company growth required expansion and construction of a new building on South Memorial Drive:
1. Building was then in the Town of Menasha.
2. Meant to serve their 200 employees.
3. Took 3,535 cubic yards of concrete to construct.
4. Provided 55,000 square feet of work area.
5. Built at a cost of $1.5 Million Dollars.
6. Constructed in the form of an “H” for obvious reasons.
7. Formally dedicated 11/11/63.
8. Gordon, also a conservationist, had a trout pond constructed on the grounds for the public to enjoy. Later added a fountain.
B. In 1966 they chartered Homeco Life to write all forms of personal and business insurance. G. Allen Bubolz, Gordon’s son, was appointed to head the company.
C. In 1968 Homeco Securities was formed.
D. In 1974 Homeco Financial Corporation was added.
E. In 1980 a large addition was made to the company building complex:
1. Built at a cost of $4 Million Dollars, it was intended to serve the now 295 employees.
2. The H Shape ended with putting on the new addition.
3. An atrium was built inside for trees, plants and flowers.
4. Space was provided for a Doll Museum to house the massive collection of Gordon’s wife Amelia.(The Museum ended shortly before the death of Amelia, and the collection was broken up and sold).
F. In 1981 there was a major change in leadership:
1. G. Allen Bubolz was appointed Secretary.
2. John Bubolz was appointed President and Treasurer.
3. Gordon Bubolz became Chairman of the Board.
G. In 1983 the Corporate Office property was annexed into the City of Appleton.
H. In 1986 company name was changed to SECURA (all caps).
1. All four subcompanies became prefaced by SECURA.
I. 1987 SECURA Development Inc. was added to company responsibilities.
J. 1988 Company added SECURA Advisory Services Inc.
K. 1989 the firm made it’s last addition to the Corporate Complex:
1. Construction cost of $3.1 Million Dollars.
2. New section covers 52,364 square feet.
L. Gordon Bubolz died 10/12/90.
M. 1995 company added the SECURA Supreme Division, which offers Commercial Property and Casualty Business.
N. 1/12/97 John Bykowski was named SECURA’s President and CEO.
O. In 1999 the company established the Milestone Policy, which was a combined home and auto policy.
P. The current President of the firm is Dave Gross, who was hired in 1997.
Q. In recent times their support of conservation is further demonstrated by making 2 acres of their property into a Prairie Restoration Project.
R. Just signed a 5 year lease at the Valley Fair Mall property to convert the former Kohl’s Grocery Store property to the home of their Info Tech Department.
S. The company has purchased land in the Town of Menasha on Highway CB for future expansion.
Gordon Bubolz an Exceptional Individual:
AAccepted into Lawrence University without a High School Degree, ended up receiving a Bachelor’s Degree from the institution.
BThen Graduated from the Wharton School of Business with his MBA Degree.
CIn 1944 was elected to the Wisconsin State Senate.
DHelped start many Nature Centers in the area, including the Gordon Bubolz Nature Preserve on Highway A just north of Appleton.
Speaker’s Closing Comments:
SECURA functions today with a staff of 600 employees. Currently operate in 12 states.
SECURA is a service-focused, relationship-driven, mutual, property and casualty insurance company operating through independent agents.
Our vision is to be the company of choice for agents, policyholders, and associates.
The company plans a long and successful future.
Information stated above was verified from an article:
Respectfully, James L. Richter AHS Secretary, 4/23/15