Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Thompson Community Center
“The History of the Jewish Community in Appleton”
Tom Sutter, Christine Williams, James Richter, Laura Leimer, Mark Moderson, John Marx, Brian Schneider, Gwen Sargeant, Linda Muldoon, Diana Sandberg.
June 10 – The Old Third Ward – Antoinette Powell
July 8 – The Post Crescent – Dan Flannery
August 12 – Growing Up in Appleton in the 60s – Jim Krueger
August 23 – Cemetery Walk – “Meet the Mayors” – Riverside Cemetery
September 9 – The History of Catholic Schools by Deacon Tony Abts
October 14th 100 block of E. College Avenue - Dave Buss and Christine Williams
November 11 – Appleton Picture Show
December 5 – 11th AHS History Fair, City Center
• AHS Officers:
A. President - Thomas Sutter
B. Vice President - Christine Williams
C. Secretary – James Richter
D. Treasurer – Laura Leimer
• AHS Board of Directors:
A. Terms through November 2017:
1. Mark Moderson
2. John Marx
3. Laura Leimer
4. Diana Sandberg
B. Terms through November 2016:
1. Linda Muldoon
2. Jim Krueger
3. Gwen Sargeant
4. Brian Schneider
C. Terms through November 2015:
1. Tom Sutter
2. Christine Williams
3. James Richter
• Committee Chairs for the organization are as follows:
A. Mark and Karen Moderson, Principal Organizers
B. Brian Schneider, Technical Resources
C. David Buss, Research Specialist
D. Gwen Sargeant, Public Relations and Web Page
E. Christine Williams, Monthly Programs
F. Gwen Sargeant, Publications
A. Greetings extended to members and guests.
B. Introduced Officers and Board Members.
C. Thanks to Bob Rueckl of Rueckl Photography for two historic pictures of downtown Appleton that we have displayed on tables in the rear of our meeting tonight. He is retiring and his business is now being closed.
D. Barnes and Noble on Casaloma Drive held a special Book Event on our book, Images of America-Appleton, on Saturday, May 2, 2015. President Sutter manned a large historic display during the event and we received proceeds from the store’s total sales. We received excellent response from those visiting the store that day.
E. On May 9, 2015, Tom and Janet Sutter did a presentation on Appleton’s history at the Memory Café.
F. Gave thanks to Steve Smits for last month’s program “The 115 Year History of Secura Insurance”.
G. Last week was the 70th Anniversary of VE Day. We have pictures and articles displayed in the rear of our meeting tonight.
H. We received a donation of an Appleton Post Card Collection from the estate of Harold Grossman.
I. Thanks to the Appleton Post Crescent for listing us in their Best Bets Section.
J. Try to attend a special event being put on by the Menasha Historical Society at Smith Park this Saturday.
K. Upcoming Historical Event: Fox River Historic Lock Tours will be given by the Fox Wisconsin Heritage Parkway to a pre-sold group tour from the Milwaukee area on June 24, 2015. This will also include several boat excursions.
L. The door prize of Bergstrom Automotive Car Wash Tickets was won by Glen Karlov.
M. Closed by presenting a list of upcoming programs and events.
PROGRAM : “The History of the Jewish Community in Appleton”
Presenter: Jerry Zabronsky
Speaker’s Background:
Jerry R. Zabronsky, Ph.D. is President of Moses Montefiore Congregation in Appleton, WI. Moses Montefiore is part of Judaism’s Conservative movement and is affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. Jerry has been a member of the Moses Montefiore Board of Trustees for over twenty years. He is employed by Kimberly-Clark Corporation in Neenah where he is Leader for Procurement Sustainability. Jerry earned a Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry at Syracuse University and a B.S. in Chemistry from the University of Maryland. Jerry and his wife Anne are long-time Appleton residents and they have three daughters.
The Presentation:
Opened with a Welcome Blessing “Shehech Yianu”.
He asked what would be the most noteworthy thing about the Jews in Appleton? Jews are people just like you and we have the same feeling as you do.
Early History of the Jewish people in the United States:
A. Jews first came to the Newport, Rhode Island, in 1658. Opened the Touro Synagogue there in 1663..
B. During the American Civil War Jews fought on both sides.
C. Jewish immigration really picked up from Germany in 1840.
D. A massive immigration came from Eastern Europe, primarily Russia and Poland, from 1880 to 1921.
E. Emigrants through the 20’s mainly spoke Yiddish which is a High German language with an admixture of vocabulary from Hebrew and the Slavic languages, written in Hebrew letters, and spoken mainly by Jews in eastern and central Europe and by Jewish emigrants from these regions and their descendants.
F. Since 1970 limited immigration has come from mostly Russian and Israeli Jews.
Major Events in U.S. Jewish History:
A. Their participation in the Civil War.
B. The German immigration of 1840-1875. Many of these people ended up working in the Garment Industry, primarily in New York.
C. In 1880 the Czar of Russia made rules to eliminate Jews, causing that major immigration.
D. Affects of World War I.
E. The restriction of immigration by the U.S. Government in1921.
F. The Great Depression and the New Deal.
Characteristics of Wisconsin Jews:
A. Jewish history began in Wisconsin in 1793 when Jacob Franks built a fur trading outpost in Green Bay. Franks established business and personal relationships with native Americans in the area.
B. Records show that Lyon Silverman operated a store and tavern in Mequon in 1845. Lyon was a democratic state senator in the early 1850’s.
C. Merchant Edward Pozanski started business in Chippewa Falls in 1850.
D. In 1977 Wisconsin Jewish population in Wisconsin was 2,559 mostly in Milwaukee.
E. Groups of immigrants from 1877 to 1921 didn’t have a lot of money.
F. During the mid 1900’s they tended to be Roosevelt New Deal Democrats.
The Nature of Judaism:
A. What is Judaism- it is the first of the Abrahamic Religions.
B. It’s Core Belief – there is only One God.
C. Judaism today is the expression of true belief.
D. Unlike other religions today, they are not seeking converts.
E. The branches of Judaism:
1. Orthodox.
2. Conservative (e.g. Moses Montefiore Congregation).
3. Reform (most liberal and modernized branch).
Ceremonial Items of Judaism:
A. Bar Mitzvah - Hebrew: בַּר מִצְוָה) and Bat Mitzvah (Hebrew: בַּת מִצְוָה) are Jewish coming of age rituals. According to Jewish law, when Jewish boys become 13 years old, they become accountable for their actions and become a bar mitzvah. A girl becomes a bat mitzvah at the age of 12 according to Orthodox and Conservative Jews, and at the age of 13 according to Reform Jews. Prior to reaching bar mitzvah, the child's parents hold the responsibility for the child's actions. After this age, the boys and girls bear their own responsibility for Jewish ritual law, tradition, and ethics, and are able to participate in all areas of Jewish community life. Traditionally, the father of the bar mitzvah gives thanks to God that he is no longer punished for the child's sins. The bar or bat mitzvah ceremony is usually held on the first Shabbat after a boy's thirteenth and a girl's twelfth birthday.(Source Wikipedia).
B. Shabbat - Thirty-nine activities prohibited on Shabbat are listed in Tractate Shabbat (Talmud). Customarily, Shabbat is ushered in by lighting candles.
C. Yamaka - is a small, round cap that Jewish men wear atop their heads. It's typically black, concave, and roughly the circumference of a small pancake.
D. Torah Scroll – is a handwritten copy of the Torah, the holiest book within Judaism. It must meet extremely strict standards of production. The Torah scroll is mainly used in the ritual of Torah reading during Jewish services. At other times, it is stored in the holiest spot within a synagogue, the Aron Kodesh ("Holy Ark"), which is usually an ornate curtained-off cabinet or section of the synagogue built along the wall that most closely faces Jerusalem, the direction Jews face when praying. It is the first five books of Moses.
E. Talmud Book - Often cites the Old Testament, is the basic book of Jewish law. It is a collection of Jewish law and tradition consisting of the Mishnah and the Gemara.
F. Jewish prayer shawl - is a fringed garment worn by Jewish men on the outside of their regular garments in the synagogue, especially during morning, Sabbath, and other holiday services.
What Created the Country of Israel?:
A. After World Wars I and II Jewish immigrants from around the world could not return to their original home countries.
B. Many chose not to return to their original homes but had a desire for their own country.
C. Many Jews then went to Israel to create a new state in 1948.
D. The Historic 6 Day War had a major impact in solidying Israel.
How are Jews Currently and Where are They Today:
A. Jews have brought a lot to the United States, some exceptional American Jews:
1. Performers included Irving Berlin, the Three Stooges, and Jerry Seinfeld.
2. Have started many huge American businesses, including Home Depot.
3. Major participants in government included Senator Jacob Javits and Henry Kissinger.
4. Key sports figures included former Packers General Manager Ron Wolff.
5. Senator Joel Lieberman’s run for President was a significant milestone for the Jewish people.
B. U.S. Jewish Population Today 5.3 to 6.1 Million.
C. Current Wisconsin Jewish Population is 28,500:
1. Greater Milwaukee – 21,100.
2. Greater Madison – 5,000.
3. Northeast Wisconsin – 800.
D. Area synagogues in Wisconsin:
1. Anshe Poalezedek Synagogue, Manitowoc, founded in 1900 as an Orthodox
2. Temple Bnai Israel, Oshkosh, is a Reformed Congregation.
3. C Nesses Israel, Green Bay, started in 1903 and became Orthodox in 1904.
The Formation of Moses Montefiore Congregation:
A. A congregation formed in Appleton in 1883.
B. In 1884 Temple Zion was built by a Charles Hovel. This remained a Synagogue until 1932.
C. Members of Temple Zion included magician Harry Houdini and author Edna Ferber:
1. Harry Houdini – born Erik Weisz, was son of the synagogue rabbi and became a celebrated magician, escape artist, and stunt performer.
2. Edna Ferber – was the first female writer for the Post Crescent, and became a revered American novelist. Her play “So Big” won the Pulitzer Prize.
D. Another congregation started in Appleton in 1895 at the home of the Ressman’s. It was named Moses Montefiore after a British man who was a noteworthy Jewish philanthropist.
E. In 1900 services were moved to the home of David Belzer.
F. In 1920 the congregation purchased land at the corner of Atlantic and Bateman Streets, where a synagogue was built and served as their home.
G. In 1926 the Moses Montefiore Cemetary was established on East Wisconsin Avenue.
H. In 1969 the congregation moved from Atlantic and Bateman to a new building at 3131 N. Meade Street.
I. A significant move was made by the congregation by the appointment of Dov Edelstein as Rabbi.
J. In 2008 to downsize the congregation it was moved from Meade Street to 1620 N. Meade Street where they operate today.
K. In 2009 Rabbi Ken Katz was hired.
Respectfully, James L. Richter AHS Secretary, 5/30/15